Family Selfie Fun

We are thrilled and proud to share that PTNJ is catching on quickly and appealing thus far to all ages. Our first selfie party was so much fun! This particular group turned out to be a grandma, daughter and granddaughter together to create “The Real Selfie”. Our selfie pieces provided hours of uninterrupted fun for all three! This itself was a fabulous realization. More about our selfie class - Each selection of what you choose changes your selfie! Color, pieces, add ons… again - no two are alike and our creative director wants to encourage altering the hand designed pieces we offer so you are really customizing your pieces! Our get togethers are a great way to let go of stress, create something fun and unique, and have a great time! More importantly, it's a perfect opportunity to share quality time with friends and/or family.
The intention of this day was to practice and do a test run of the The Real Selfie on my cousin and her daughter. To our surprise, my cousin’s 2 year old daughter woke up from her nap and wanted to participate in the fun. At first, we gave her a butterfly puppet to make, which we felt was more age appropriate. This kept her attention for at least an hour (are you shocked? Because we were!) When she was done, she saw her grandma and her mom having fun making themselves and said “I want to make Brielle”. How could we say no to such a cute statement? Soon enough, she was choosing her eyes, nose, hair, face and putting them in a Picasso-like fashion. SO cute! At the end, she was so proud of herself and was smiling non-stop. We put the three selfies together in the end to represent a family portrait and it looked so fantastic! Perhaps we’ll do more family portraits as a class in the future because it occurred to me in in this instance that this activity is definitely multi-generational. What a great bonding experience and a special way to express creativity as a family.